FP-Products – the uncompromising space creator
We plan and execute functional space solutions and that way offer comfortable, safe and long-lasting facilities.
Space with expertise and care
We believe that it is meaningful to create facilities thoughtfully and with expertise. They improve efficiency and well-being at a workplace, make everyday life more effortless at home and ensure better functionality in public spaces for everyone.
FP-Products has the most comprehensive product selection in Finland for creating, dividing and shaping spaces. We are well known for our expertise in transformation flexibility. We make sure that our customers always receive the latest and most functional space modifying solutions. We are always developing new products for creating space as well as getting us familiar with top-notch international products and new releases.
We help you to see the opportunities of your space and to make them become reality.
A fundamental part of our work is our chain of services, which starts all the way from planning needed solutions together with our customers. We choose and even customize needed products – it is all about getting the most out of your space.
For over 50 years, we have been creating multi-function spaces for our Finnish customers. That is why we know precisely what functional space solutions actually mean – whether they are made for homes, offices, public spaces or industrial environments. We help you to see the opportunities of your space and to make them become reality.
Responsibility creates quality
Responsibility is an important part of all our work – and it shows. We are proud to call our workplace culture very open, and we are trying to create as safe work environments as possible with an equality plan, an early intervention model and a functional healthcare plan. The well-being of our employees is central in everything we do and under always on-going observation and development. When these things are done well, we believe that the resulting quality is noticeable to everyone – us and our customers. To prove this, we have been granted the ISO 9001 certificate.
In production, we are keeping an eye on minimizing material waste, efficient recycling and environmental responsibility among many other things. We have been granted the ISO 14001 certificate as an indication of our high-quality and effective work in taking environmental values into account.